Thursday 5 April 2012


For everyone deserves a friend
Reaching out to lend a hand
Irreplaceable, yours to hold
Everlasting bond, 'till you grow old
Never leaving eachother, even through bad
Doing the best they can to help
Sincere, honest,caring and genuine
How a true friend should be
Instantaneous connection
Precisely the best you shall ever have

Title: Friendhsip
Style of poem: Acrostic Poem
Inspiration: I couldn't think of anything very original so friendship was the easiest word I could think of.

The city of Windobendoblat

Down the splindy,windy,wyndy road
Lies a city quite the sight
Nothing like you've seen before
You should expect a right

Rivers made of jello
Lollipops die trees
Human's non-existent
And the sun is really cheese

Shimmering,glimmering,wandering past
The beautiful Shybendowats roam free
Creatures quite absurd
Sparkles, miles away, is all that you can see

Whimsical, mimsical music is played
Everyday's a feast
The city's always dancing
Even the tiny Mikozeats

You'll always see them smiling
They're the kindest of creatures
The city of Windobendoblat
Has the most mysterious of features

Ttile:The city of WindobendoblatStyle of poem: Nonsense poem
Inspiration: When I found out the poem had to be nonsensical, I kind of got an image in my head, and started writing everything like that. The way I pictured everything, that's how it got written. I was kind of thinking of Bridge to Terabithia for a bit of inspiration./

The Girl on Fire

Her strength,her courage, her will to survive
Is why they loved her most
With agile steps, and a hunter's eye
Although she wasn't known to boast

A truly kind soul
She hides it though... why?
But this girl can kill you
In the blink of an eye

She hides her fear
She won't breakdown
Afraid to trust
Afraid to fall down

The girl on fire, with a spark in her eyes
She's there to win the Game
To save her family, and save her own life
Katniss is her name

Title:The Girl on Fire
Style of poem: Ballad
Inspiration: After reading the Hunger Games trilogy, I fell in love with Katniss's character. She's so inspring , and I just became obsessed withher and the Hunger Games. I knew once we recieved the poem, I wanted to write about her.

The Boogeyman

In the middle of the night
I warn you to beware
As there's something in the closet
That will likely cause a scare

Impossible to see
But easy to imagine
He will lure to the closet
And the world will slighlty blacken

They say it's just a myth
I assure that it's not
Beware the Boogeyman
Whom many have forgot

The scene is quite a fright
To anyone around
But the next morning
He is nowhere to be found

In the middle of the night
I warn you to beware
As there's something in the closet
That will likely cause a scare

When your parents tuck you in
And soon are out of sight
It's time for Boogeyman
To guard you for the night

Title: Boogeyman
Style of poem:Nursery Rhyme
Inspiration: I didn't really have one... I sort of came up with it on the spot. Later on though once I got the theme it was easy to write, ideas just kept coming to my head.