Thursday 5 April 2012

The Boogeyman

In the middle of the night
I warn you to beware
As there's something in the closet
That will likely cause a scare

Impossible to see
But easy to imagine
He will lure to the closet
And the world will slighlty blacken

They say it's just a myth
I assure that it's not
Beware the Boogeyman
Whom many have forgot

The scene is quite a fright
To anyone around
But the next morning
He is nowhere to be found

In the middle of the night
I warn you to beware
As there's something in the closet
That will likely cause a scare

When your parents tuck you in
And soon are out of sight
It's time for Boogeyman
To guard you for the night

Title: Boogeyman
Style of poem:Nursery Rhyme
Inspiration: I didn't really have one... I sort of came up with it on the spot. Later on though once I got the theme it was easy to write, ideas just kept coming to my head.

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