Sunday 22 January 2012

Poem 9: Pantoum

I laugh, I hate, I love, I cry
I dance when no one's watching.
I played with dolls, dressed up, and made mud pies
And say things without thinking

I dance when on one's watching
I feel jealous too
And say things without thinking
I'm just a regular girl like you.

I feel jealous too
I think of boys as well
I'm just a regular girl like you
And my best friends only time will tell

I think of boys as well
I played with dolls dressed up and made mud pies
And my best friends, only time will tell,
I laugh, I hate, I love, I cry.

Title:Just like you 
Style of poem: Pantoum
Inspiration: I'm not different, and no other girl is. I'm just explaning how I feel, and how most of us feel. And that's what I talk about in this poem. It was also one of my favourite poems to write. 


  1. I like the poem but the first line in the second stance is screwed up.:(

  2. I really like this poem and what the message your giving is. It's well written and very descriptive.
